Saturday 31 August 2013

Ghanaian Singer Reggie Rockstone Launches Condom Line

Ghanaian music star, Reggie Rockstone last Saturday launched his own brand of personalized condoms. The event was well attended and many people were photographed endorsing it...... sooo funny but good one bro

“Stop the hypocrisy and admit your guilt!”: Clergyman accuses Pastor Biodun Fatoyinbo of adultery (READ)

In a twist to the already intriguing story of sex, adultery and religion which started when Ese Walter, a former member of the Common Wealth of Zion Assembly (COZA) accused the presiding pastor, Biodun Fatoyinbo of engaging in sexual misconduct with her in a London hotel, Pastor J of God’s House, Abuja, has written to indict the said pastor.
Pastor Fatoyinbo who preached last Sunday in the COZA Abuja church expressed his reluctance to join issues with his accuser, Ese Walter, stating that  he is preparing a robust response the yet to be proven allegations.
[READ: How I was abused by Pastor Biodun Fatoyinbo of COZA – Ese Walter, former church member]
However, Pastor J appears to be of the opinion that the accused pastor is guilty of the allegations against him implying that Pastor Fatoyinbo harbours some secrets which needs to be purged.
“The stories of Franca and Ese is not only true but they are just a few tales of the tantalizing sex escapades of this clergy. This has been a recurring decimal in the ministry of the clergyman.
“This wasn’t the first time these stories will come forth, for those old COZA members, for those who were there when he was in Ilorin, when the church moved to Pipeline Road, Ilorin, having left Kwara Hotel, they will remember there was a time when the Pastor was suspended from ministering,” he said.
[READ: Ishola Alolanle Fatai: My COZA experience (Confessions of a Nigerian Atheist)]
Read excerpts from his response below:
“For the leaders of this people cause them to err; and they that are led of them are destroyed.”
Isaiah 9:16 . Let them alone: they be leaders of the blind. And if the blind lead the blind, both shall fall into the ditch. Matt 15:14
I was going to be silent on this sad, pathetic but true (in many shades) allegation against Pastor B and his popular and trendy ministry. My silence was borne out of respect for the kingdom of God and things that pertain to God. But all this changed when I heard the horrific tales of people who had been through the mess of this blind man, and the fact that he had no moral motivation to deny or accept the allegation; all he showed on Sunday was a demented swagger and perverse talk.
My sole purpose in writing this piece is to open the eyes of the world and believers to the hypocrisy and nonsense behind the pulpit, and to plea that these wolves and blind men stop deflating the faith of people who Christ died for. I am a Pastor, a full time minister at that, and I shall not sit back while
the name of my God, the ministry, and the works of other shepherds is brought to disrepute by the activities, action and inaction of a few blind men behind the pulpit.
[READ: “I have a picture of him in his towel”: Yet another lady claims to have been sexually harassed by Pastor Biodun Fatoyinbo]
I am tired of the nonsense of religion crying out, “touch not my anointed”; does this mean we cannot rebuke ourselves when we err, this much Paul did to Peter when he erred in Galatians 2:11 “But when Peter was come to Antioch, I withstood him to the face, because he was to be blamed”. It is therefore pertinent that I rebuke the wolves in shepherd’s clothing’s. It is time to set the record straight, and please don’t sell me the bullocks of judge not, I haven’t said anyone is going to hell, but of course if they don’t change, they have only one path.
It is high time we told the truth, which is plain, simple and without coloration. The stories of Franca and Ese is not only true but they are just a few tales of the tantalizing sex escapades of this clergy. This has been a recurring decimal in the ministry of the clergyman. This wasn’t the first time these stories will come forth, for those old COZA members, for those who were there when he was in Ilorin, when the church moved to Pipeline Road, Ilorin, having left Kwara Hotel, they will remember there was a time when the Pastor was suspended from ministering by his Father in the Lord, Rev Oset of Canaan Ministries. Rev. Oset sent guest ministers to the church every Sunday after that, but still Pastor B in his deceit will still minister in the pretence of introducing the guest minister, while he exhorts for minutes. I therefore laugh in mockery when He says his wife loves him, the woman has no choice. His core circle of Pastor Wole (Ilorin Chapter, the only man who maybe clean), and Pastor Flo (COZA, Lagos) knows of this fact, little wonder Ese said Pastor Flo said he knows about their adventures in that hotel room in London.
[READ: “He didn’t tell me he’s a pastor” – Pastor Jimmy Odukoya and wife, Oluwakemi share their love story]
This is not the story of a hater; I don’t want or envy anything he has. He cannot ever have what I have and carry; neither do I crave for what he has. I am sure no one in the city of Ilorin, where this man started is bemused by these stories, no one who finished from the University of Ilorin during the period of 2003-2008, and was not a blinded COZA member can be mightily shocked at these revelations. I have heard tales of many more victims, I even heard from a woman who knows five friends who were victims, I saw it online the other day of a guy who said he formally works for him and he knows up to 130 people, outrageous as it may sound that too is true. Rev Oset in true conscience cannot deny the knowledge of these negatives. But we are a nation of hypocrites and religious folks; we ask no questions of leaders, so they can hide under the canopy of religion, even when they are filthy. Anyone who asks is rebuked by those who say, the bible says pray. It is sad that those who say pray themselves have not prayed. But Pastor B is just a decimal in an ever mounting number of wolves in the Church of Christ.
Someone told me yesterday that this can’t be the end of him and his tyranny, because even in Ilorin in those days, the allegation was rolled under the rug. On Sunday, August 25, 2013, the man leading certain blind men under the veil of religion and ‘spiritism’ said God told him not to say anything, he then said they are preparing a robust response. Who is fooling who? We must not keep quiet and watch the bride of Christ, the church, rubbed and undignified in mud and slime by a filthily rich pastor who thinks he can do anything and get away with it.
[READ: Not in my church! Pastor refuses to perform ceremony because of bride’s ‘sexy dress’ (PICTURED)]
It is a pity that we run sensational press and media outfit in this country, and that our press is blinded by religion. If this were to be ‘saner’ climes the press would by now be researching, there would by now be investigative journalism. The truth would be dogged up and resurrected to life. For this is not about a mistake that a Pastor made, it is about a filthy man’s way of life.
And then about, “teaching a new level of grace’; please be reminded that Grace is not a license to sin, rather it empowers us to live above sin. Romans 6:1-2 says, “What shall we say then? Shall we continue in sin, that grace may abound? God forbid. How shall we, that are dead to sin, live any longer therein?” In my years of being a Christian, studying God’s word, preaching the gospel, listening to sound teachers, I have not heard of a grace that gives permission to sin. Stop being deceived, grace is the new dispensation, according to Hebrew 8:6-12, and under grace we do not follow any written code, law or traditions. That is done away with. The tablet of Moses is over with. But we are not reckless sinners; we are under a new covenant based on better promises. God’s law is written in our minds and hearts. We live according to His dictates. The Holy Spirit and our conscience convicts and judges us respectively. This is the only way we live a holy life. God’s strength and empowerment is the grace to do according to that written by God in our hearts and minds.
I write this with a heavy heart, though I wish I never had to write this, but I pray this madness stops. I know many who have stopped going to church, many whose faith has been derailed by the act of madness of this man, and many blind men like him. If they are not going to heaven, let them stop taking men out of the straight and narrow. No one understands the pain in meeting a man, whose faith has been derailed by a man who was supposed to help establish him. For such a man, words can’t bring him back, the best we can do is to pray and hope. I indulge the clergy to be of a higher moral standard.
My candid advice to the church at this end time is that the church must grow in knowledge; it’s high time we stopped bamboozling you. You must stop making idols of men. You must stop making men such as I, substitute for the Holy Ghost. Honour us; revere us… but that is where it ends. Without the Call, the Oil, and the Holy Spirit; we are mere mortal. But know for sure that this too shall pass; only the truth of the Gospel of the Kingdom abides forever.
For Pastor B and his sense making COZA people, remember the word of Christ in Matthew 15:14. How many of you even live life bearing the fruit of righteousness. Stop being blind, the ditch is close by. Look into this case, ask your pastor questions, seek genuine answers and not emotional rhetorics, hold him responsible, and do not forget the word of God, “then shall they know if they follow to know…” I am sure evidence abound. Seek to know from some key PCU members (who may need to be deposited in Gods ICU). Its time you hear not only about grace, but HOLINESS without which no one will see the Lord.
Finally don’t bother praying against me, I can say like Paul, “For me to die is gain, to live is Christ”, but I cannot even go now, because I am yet to fully finish the task set before me. Don’t waste your time using misguided scriptural interpretation. This I write is true, and I am sorry if you don’t like it. Your Pastor, and every other wolf whose conscience is not seared knows it is the complete true.
God bless you.
God bless His Church.
God bless Nigeria
Pastor J
God’s House

Bank robber in critical condition after falling 21 floors down a garbage chute to escape from the police

A bank robbery suspect trying to elude police searching for him in an apartment building jumped into a garbage chute and survived a 200-foot fall onto trash in the basement, police said on Friday.
Robin Gutheridge, 26, plunged from the 21st floor of the Clinton Plaza Apartments, a few blocks from the Chase Bank Branch he had robbed earlier, according to Sgt. Tom Connellan.
He was conscious and told police he had climbed into the garbage chute to avoid being captured. Police estimate he fell about 210 feet before landing on garbage in a compactor at the bottom.

'He was able to slow himself down by holding the sides of chute, and the garbage may have cushioned the fall, but he did get severe injuries,' Connellan said.
Firefighters moved the compactor and removed Gutheridge from the chute, police said.
Gutheridge was in critical condition on Friday at Upstate University Hospital, where he was in the intensive care unit with fractures and internal injuries, Connellan said.
A phone listing for him couldn't be found, and it wasn't clear whether he had a lawyer.
Police said Gutheridge fled on foot with an undisclosed amount of cash after robbing the bank.
After detectives learned he was seen entering a nearby apartment building, they began searching building.
Injuries: Gutheridge was in critical condition on Friday at Upstate University Hospital
Injuries: Gutheridge was in critical condition on Friday at Upstate University Hospital

That's when a maintenance worker told them he could hear someone calling for help from a garbage chute in the basement.
When the officers checked it out, they found Gutheridge trapped in the compactor, Connellan said. He had some of the bank's money on him, police said.
He is under police guard at the hospital and will be charged with robbery when his condition improves, Connellan said.

BBA: The Chase contestant Beverly Osu dishes on Angelo and AfroCandy’s porn movie offer (READ)

Controversial Nigerian BBA “The Chase” contestant Beverly Osu got back into the country this week. She visited Rhythm 93.7FM Lagos to talk about her stay in the house and her “relationship” with Angelo.
Check out excerpts of the interview below:
Presenter “How do you feel about Angelo’s supposed girlfriend Candice?”
Beverly- “I don’t want to talk about his so called girlfriend because I don’t know anything about her.”
Presenter- “Did you have sex with Angelo?”
Beverly- “I did not have sex with Angelo. I loved him and I still love him. I would get married to Angelo if I had the chance!”
Presenter- “And the bathtub scene…”
Beverly- “I’ll still say….Nothing happened between me and Angelo!”
Presenter- “Did you use any strategy?”
Beverly- “I talk a lot. My strategy was nothing. I just went with the flow…”
Presenter- “Your take on Afrocandy’s movie offer”
Beverly- “Afrocandy nibo? No oooo…..Thanks for the offer but NO!”
Presenter asks on her plans for the future
Beverly- “I’ll continue with my online reality show “Beverly Says” and I’ll finish school. That’s what is important now.”

TERRIBLE: 3 suspects arraigned for kidnapping, raping, and posting nude photos of undergraduate (PICTURED)

                                               Suspects: Aje Olumayowa and Babatunde Bashorun
Three persons were, yesterday, docked before Tinubu Magistrate’s court, for alleged kidnap, raping and posting a female student of University of Lagos, Akokas nude photographs on the internet.
The female undergraduate (names withheld) told Vanguard that she was kidnapped and raped for turning down love advances from one Babatunde Bashorun three months ago,at 1, Ajose Street, Enu-Owa area of Lagos Island.
Babajide and two others, Aje Olumayowa, 20, and Babajide Ajayi, 21, were yesterday charged before the Lagos Magistrate Court, sitting at Tinubu Square, for alleged kidnap and rape.
The suspects who are facing an eight-count charge of conspiracy, kidnap, rape, assault, taking of nude photographs and pasting same on the internet and attempted murder, were docked before Magistrate S. K. Matepo.
The police prosecutor, Supol Orji, told the court that the defendants committed the alleged crime on April 28, 2013 at about 7:30pm, at 1, Ajose Street, Lagos Island.
He also alleged that the defendants took turns to have carnal knowledge of the victim without her consent.
He said the accused indecently assaulted the victim by exposing her nude pictures which they took while they were taking turns to rape her, to the public.
According to the prosecutor, the defendants threatened her, that if she reveals how she was raped, that she would be killed.
The prosecutor said the offence was punishable under sections 409, 269, 144 (1), 258, 135 (2) 150 (1) (2), 228 and 56 (a) of the criminal laws of Lagos State of Nigeria 2011.
However, when the charges were read to the defendants, they pleaded not guilty to the charges.
Magistrate Matepo granted the defendants bail in the sum of N100,000, with two suerites each in like sum.
She further adjourned the case to October 2, 2013.

Terrible: Woman attacked, 2 daughters raped by hoodlums in Ebonyi

A rape incident allegedly involving a mother and her two daughters in Ikwo Local government of Ebonyi state was weekend reported to the State Police Command for investigation and arrest of the suspects.
It was learnt that the suspects who came at night when their victims were already asleep raped them in turns at gun point after stealing the sum of N50, 000, nine different models of handset and a Carter motorcycle from them.
Saturday Vanguard gathered that the hoodlums who were purportedly sent by a top politician in the area (name withheld) to kill the mother of two daughters and Councillor representing Ndiagu Echara Ward I in Ikwo Local government Area of Ebonyi State, Mrs. Margret Elom could do so but decided to rape them and cart away their belongings.
Briefing newsmen at the Command Headquarters, the State Police Public Relations Officer, DSP Sylvester Igbo who confirmed the incident insisted that only Hon. Elom’s daughters were raped when the suspects invaded the victims’ residence.
He said: “One Hon. Margret Elom, the Councillor representing Ndiagu Echara Ward I from Ikwo Local government area of Ebonyi state reported that while she was sleeping with her daughters that some hoodlums broke into their house and stole the sum of N50, 000 from her and collected one Carter motorcycle valued at N120, 000 and nine different handsets.
“And in the process of robbing her of her belongings, two of her daughters were raped by the two suspects; the suspects were later identified as one Chidi Eze, 24, Sunday Nwogu, 23.
Chidi has been arraigned in court on 12th August, 2013.

Accidental discharge: Policeman in Kaduna mistakenly kills woman in court premises

A middle aged woman was allegedly shot dead by a police officer while trying to disperse some youth who came to interrupt a court proceeding  in Kafanchan, Kaduna state.
According to reports, the incident was confirmed by the Kaduna state commissioner of police, Olufemi Adenaike, saying that the killing was not deliberate.
The woman was killed by a bullet from the policeman’s gun.
Adenaike further clarified that the presence of the policemen were needed at the court, at the request of the presiding  judge and the policeman who shot the woman has been arrested and the situation has been returned back to normal in the area.

Abs-olutely gorgeous: Psquare shows off their amazingly chiseled bodies (LOOK)

Mega music superstars, Peter and Paul Okoye of Psquare can’t stop flaunting their amazing abs posting sexy photos of themselves online.
In this photo, Peter looked like he’s spending a little bit more time in the gym compared to his equally fit brother.

The ladies in Chicago apparently loved every bit of the twins performance during their US/Canada Tour and they kept screaming for more.
They’re both looking fresh and clean and ready to go. What do you think, ladies?